ESCAPE Hero Image One
Case Study


End-To-End Supply Chain Development for Automotive Power Electronics

The Objective

ESCAPE aims to establish a globally unique and cohesive end-to-end supply chain capability for innovative SiC power electronics designed to service UK and global end user demand.


McLaren Applied Technologies | ClasSiC | CSA Catapult | Lyra Electronics | MaxPower | MicroSemi | Tribus-D | TPS

The Outcome

• A £20m project, incorporating 13 partners, creating or safeguarding 66 jobs in engineering and 137 jobs in Engineering and Manufacturing

• Will build a secure UK end-to-end supply chain capable of competing globally

• Produce game changing technology supporting the drive for electrification UK and worldwide

• Successful exploitation of ESCAPE will Result in over £66M further UK investment in SiC R&D and capital expenditure

• CSA Catapult’s involvement in the project will be market intelligence, SiC module EVM, characterisation, project management and advanced packaging.