
Safe installation and operation of a fuel cell system and hybrid powertrain in offshore CTV (SinO-OFH)

Date: 01.04.2024

Topics: Marine, Power Electronics, Transportation

A large cargo ship carrying stacked containers sails forward in the middle of a calm, open ocean under a partly cloudy sky. The water trails behind the ship, creating a wake and leading towards the horizon. - CSA Catapult

Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £601,840

Funder: Innovate UK

Start date: 01/04/2024

Partners: Auriga Energy; Deregallera; Efectis; CSA Catapult

SiNO-OFH (Safe installation and operation of a fuel cell system and hybrid powertrain in offshore CTV) brings together the expertise of Auriga Energy, Deregallera, Efectis and CSA Catapult to define a high-efficiency clean power system for safe installation and operation in off-shore work boats.

The project will define a modular marinized fuel cell system delivering up to 2.4MW power combined with a diesel engine. There will be a novel custom high-power DC/DC converter and a high efficiency integrated multi-inverter, parallel motor direct drive power train to deliver over 120kW per hull and propeller.

The key challenges of safe installation and operation of the hydrogen system onboard a Crew Transfer Vessel will be analysed and resolved in compliance with guidelines of certifying authorities.

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