
Spark their imagination; power their future

Date: 01.08.2023

Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £122,239

Funder: Innovate UK

Start date: 01/08/2023

Partners: UK Electronics Skills Foundation; CSA Catapult

Spark their imagination; power their future brings together CSA Catapult and the UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF). It provides to provide thousands of learners across Wales, aged 15-18, with classroom resources and insights. There are a wealth of exciting and rewarding career opportunities that are on offer across the Welsh electronics sector.

The project will also offer 24 bursaries of £1,000 to Year 13 pupils in Wales who have secured a place at a partner university. There is also a one-off bursary of £1,500 for personal and professional development.

Between 2012 and 2021, the number of Welsh students studying an Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE) degree reduced by a third, dropping from 180 to 120.

Electrical Engineers are also in high demand as technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives. There are opportunities to work in areas such as smartphone technologies, aerospace, robotics, artificial intelligence and electric vehicles.

In addition to financial support, the new project will deliver a selection of the UKESF’s well-established and award-winning schools’ initiatives, such as classroom resources, online learning, mentoring and career days to demystify electronics and encourage more learners into the industry.

“Developing skills for the future in clusters across the UK is a key part of our strategy. We are therefore delighted to partner with the UKESF on this project and to start work on increasing the number of Welsh students taking an electronics and electrical engineering degree.

“A career in electronics and electric engineering is extremely rewarding and presents a wealth of opportunities to be at the forefront of exciting and emerging industries such as robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles.

“It is imperative that these well-paid and in-demand jobs are made visible to learners in Wales and that we do everything we can to break down barriers so that students from a wide-range of backgrounds have every opportunity to pursue a career in this industry.”

Martin McHugh, chief executive officer, CSA Catapult

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