
@FutureBEV to enable UK technology transformation to zero emission mobility

Date: 10.08.2020

FutureBev 1 scaled 1

Accelerated Technologies for Future Battery Electric Vehicles (@FutureBEV) will ensure competitive powertrains in function and costs and enable UK technology transformation to zero emission mobility.

Two premium automotive global companies, BMW & McLaren Applied join forces to bring together a development team to include Custom Interconnect Ltd (CIL), Lyra Electronics from industry and Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult (CSAC) and University of Warwick (UoW).

Together the team will develop a new UK supply chain for sub-components and system capability for future electromobility addressing UK Government targets for industrial growth, generation and safeguarding of jobs, and the transformation to zero emission mobility. The technology drives BEV from niche to mainstream.

This will be delivered through two strongly interlinked workstreams addressing volume and performance.

Customer orientated requirements implemented through this development provide real world benefits in improved efficiency, lower vehicle CO2, reduced weight and better use of storage providing value add and competitive customer value to the end-user.

UK engineering talents and skills will be developed in harmony with the BMW Munich based background knowledge within the project team to open development and manufacturer opportunities for vehicle electrification within the UK.

Core goals:

  • Development of EV powertrain
  • Development of UK content (sub-components and inverter supplier)
  • Increased powertrain efficiency (reduction of CO2)
  • Reduced development cycle time / time to market (acceleration of CO2 benefits)

Specific development:

  • Design for volume manufacturer target of 2025
  • High power charging (HPC) enabling technologies
  • Thermal management and connection systems for high integration
  • Sensor development
  • Revolution to 800V will significantly reduce charge times enabling HPC, accelerating end-user acceptance, and optimising the powertrain by efficiency improvements.
  • Faster switching capability of technologies will be further developed to doubling power density, reducing volume, cost and optimising overall vehicle powertrain integration.


The project aims to take advantage of advance Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology in ensuring maximum efficiency and compact size of the power converter.