
Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult response to the UK’s industrial strategy

Date: 22.11.2024

Abstract digital image of intertwining blue and white waveforms set against a black background. The waveforms create a dynamic, flowing pattern, resembling sound waves or energy signals. - CSA Catapult

The UK government’s new industrial strategy is an opportunity to chart a new course for our semiconductor industry and establish ourselves as a world-leader once more.

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult has put forward eight recommendations to address industry challenges and support the government’s growth mission:

1. Elevate the importance of the semiconductor sector by recognising semiconductors as a subsector of the industrial strategy
2. Create a National Semiconductor Institute to strengthen, lead and co-ordinate targeted activity across the UK
3. Co-ordinate long-term skills plans for semiconductors across UK and devolved governments to maintain and grow talent pools
4. Position the UK as a ‘semiconductor super cluster’ to drive UK growth and exports for the long term by establishing a £305m Semiconductor Challenge Fund.
5. Grow existing semiconductor clusters to develop regional capability and support regional growth
6. Invest in compound semiconductor manufacturing and infrastructure
7. Prioritise UK semiconductors in public contracts for digital infrastructure and defence
8. Increase access to funding, improve regulation and strengthen IP