

Compound semiconductors — the UK’s answer to cleaner and greener data centres
11/07/2024 Insights Net ZeroTelecoms PhotonicsPower electronics
Compound semiconductors — the UK’s answer to cleaner and greener data centres

Just last week Google announced that its greenhouse gas emissions were 48% higher in […]

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CSA Catapult annual report 2022–23
11/04/2024 Insights Net ZeroTelecoms Power electronics
CSA Catapult annual report 2022–23

The significant achievements of Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult in the financial year 2022–23 […]

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CSA Catapult's 'significant achievements' outlined in new report
13/02/2024 Insights Net ZeroTelecoms Photonics
CSA Catapult's 'significant achievements' outlined in new report

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult has made significant achievements since its inception in 2018, […]

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New report: The role of compound semiconductors within the green hydrogen ecosystem
15/12/2023 Insights Net Zero Power electronics
New report: The role of compound semiconductors within the green hydrogen ecosystem

Compound semiconductors have the potential to play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency […]

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CSA Catapult 2018 – 2022: The story so far
23/03/2023 Insights Net Zero Advanced packagingPower electronics
CSA Catapult 2018 – 2022: The story so far

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult is celebrating its five-year anniversary with the publication of […]

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Wireless vehicle charging: cutting the power cord
01/01/2023 Insights Net Zero Power electronics
Wireless vehicle charging: cutting the power cord

Regardless of how wireless charging is implemented on our roads, the battery inside every […]

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Net Zero for transportation in the UK
01/01/2022 Insights Net Zero Power electronics
Net Zero for transportation in the UK

The UK has pledged to reduce emissions from the transport sector to zero by […]

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Silicon carbide in the UK: electric vehicles and beyond
01/09/2021 Insights Net Zero Power electronics
Silicon carbide in the UK: electric vehicles and beyond

Power electronics systems based on silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductors are beginning to revolutionise the […]

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Power electronics in electricity networks: applications, opportunities and challenges
01/01/2021 Insights Net Zero Power electronics
Power electronics in electricity networks: applications, opportunities and challenges

This document aims to outline these opportunities and some representative applications of power electronics, […]

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