
Advanced SiC for Solid State Transformer (ASSIST)

Date: 01.02.2022

Topics: Net Zero, Power Electronics, Silicon Carbide

A close-up view of numerous network cables connected to a server rack in a data center, showing a tangle of wires and connectors. The image is in black and white, emphasizing the complexity and density of the cabling setup. - CSA Catapult

Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £1,618,021

Funder: UKRI (Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund)

Start date: 02/01/2022

Partners: Turbo Power Systems; Clas-SiC Wafer Fab; Alter Technology UK; CSA Catapult

ASSIST aims to establish a sovereign UK supply chain for high voltage silicon carbide (SiC) devices at voltage and current ratings that are significantly different to devices currently available on the market.

Bringing together Turbo Power Systems, Clas-SiC Wafer Fab, Alter Technology UK and CSA Catapult, the project will establish manufacturing readiness across three levels of the supply chain. It creates end-to-end capability that covers wafer fabrication, device packaging and power electronic converter manufacture.  The high voltage and high current SiC MOSFETs developed through the project will transform the proposition for Solid State Transformers (SST). It will realise a cost effective and highly efficient compact solution to help meet future electricity demands.

With the widespread adoption of heat pumps and electric vehicles in the UK, power electronics will play a central role in delivering solutions that provide the necessary flexibility for the electricity distribution network to meet the increased demand.


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