
Energy Efficient Networks

Date: 26.04.2024

Topics: Future telecoms, RF & Microwave

The opportunity

It is estimated that mobile networks are on course to almost double their power consumption between 2020-25. (Source: GMSA Blueprint for Green Networks).  

This year, working with Energy Systems Catapult, Connected Places Catapult, Digital Catapult and Satellite Applications Catapult, CSA Catapult led a study into energy efficiency for telecoms networks.  

In October 2022, the CSA Catapult led a collaborative partnership with a total project value of £2m to deliver a feasibility study into Energy Efficient Networks, leading a consortium of four other Catapults: Energy Systems Catapult, Connected Places Catapult, Digital Catapult and Satellite Applications Catapult. 

Our role

CSA Catapult led this six-month study to identify the priorities for future research and innovation. It examined which technologies and architectures will affect the energy requirements of future telecoms networks and identified where the UK has competitive advantage. The study also considered how this competitive advantage could deliver UK economic growth. 

This six-month study identified the priorities for future research and innovation, involving consultations with around 300 stakeholders from across the telecom ecosystem: 

It examined which technologies and architectures will affect the energy requirements of future telecoms networks, identifying where the UK has competitive advantage with the telecom network: 

The study also looked opportunities to translate this competitive advantage into UK economic growth.  


The outcome of the project was increased awareness of what the market impact could be across the UK, wide industry engagement across the UK and internationally, with notable support from ITRI in Taiwan.

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