
Accelerated Technologies for Future Battery Electric Vehicles (@FutureBEV)

Date: 03.08.2020

Topics: Academic Collaboration, Net Zero, Power Electronics, Technology Acceleration


Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £30,541,392

Funder: Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC)

Start date: 03/08/2020

Partners: BMW; Custom Interconnect Limited; Lyra Electronics; University of Warwick; CSA Catapult

Accelerated Technologies for Future Battery Electric Vehicles (@FutureBEV) aims to develop a UK supply chain for future generations of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).  

Premium automotive global company BMW is bringing together a development team including Custom Interconnect Ltd and Lyra Electronics from industry, CSA Catapult and the University of Warwick. 

The team will develop a new UK supply chain for sub-components and system capability for future electromobility addressing UK Government targets for industrial growth, generation and safeguarding of jobs, and the transformation to zero emission mobility.  

The technology will drive BEV from niche to mainstream. The project will be delivered through two strongly interlinked workstreams addressing volume and performance.  

Part-funded by a £15m grant from the APC, this project is creating a UK supply chain that can support the transition of BMW SiC-based power electronics in their future generations of BEVs.  

@FutureBEV lays the foundation for 800v inverters, significantly exceeding the APC (Advanced Propulsion Centre) 2035 and further industry targets.  

“The @FutureBEV project is accelerating the uptake of battery electric vehicles, placing BMW firmly at the forefront of this exciting technology”

David Bock, Project & Technical Lead, BMW

As charging times come down and efficiency improves, industry anticipates increased consumer demand and sales, heralding potential new business with a major automotive manufacturer for the UK supply chain. 

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