
Quantum Electro-optic Detector Technology (QuEOD)

Date: 01.09.2020

Topics: Future telecoms, Photonics, Quantum

A futuristic circuit board with glowing blue lines and binary code projections. The image suggests digital data transmission or advanced technology with numerous electronic components interconnected in a complex network. - CSA Catapult

Project summary

Project details

Total funding: £3,380,851

Funder: UKRI

Start date: 01/09/2020

Partners: Photon Force Ltd; QLM Technology Ltd; Herriot-Watt University; Arqit Ltd; Leonardo Ltd; Cardiff University; University of Sheffield; IQE PLC; CSA Catapult

The QuEOD (Quantum Electro-optic Detector Technology) project is working to establish the UK as a global leader in the manufacturing of next-generation quantum sensors.

The project is creating a supply chain of manufacturers, foundries, packaging experts, academia and end-users focussed on quantum detector development.

The widespread adoption of next-generation quantum technologies is being hinder by the availability of affordable, high-performing detectors to detect single photons or entangled photon pairs.

The project is developing semiconductor avalanche photodiodes (APD) into 2D arrays that can operate at wavelengths beyond those that are accessible with current technology.

The compound semiconductors mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) and gallium antimonide (GaSb) are the preferred candidates for this technology as they are high-performing and can operate at temperatures that only require modest cooling.

This quantum sensing technology could be used for satellite-to-ground communications and real-time 3D imaging of moving objects in industries such as defence, environmental sensing, optical metrology, biomedical imaging and geolocation.

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