
Simulation for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Sensing (Sim4CAMSens)

Date: 03.02.2023

Topics: Sensing, Transportation


Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £2,000,000

Funder: Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CCAV)

Start date: 03/02/2023

Partners: Claytex; rFpro; Syselek; Oxford RF; University of Warwick; National Physical Laboratory; AESIN; CSA Catapult

The Sim4CAMSens (Simulation for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Sensing) will build a UK supply chain to advance the modelling, simulation, testing and characterisation of perception systems and algorithms for autonomous vehicles.

Perception sensors allow autonomous vehicles to determine what is around them and are a critical safety component for the vehicle.

There are testing facilities for sensors within the UK, but there isn’t a joined-up approach that links test environments and facilities.

The SIM4CAMSens project will define robust, usable and repeatable test methods to improve sensor performance and produce validated simulation models for assurance purposes.

Using state-of-the-art sensors and modelling and simulation environments, the project will provide real-world data to improve the performance of future autonomous vehicle sensors and speed up the time to market, ultimately increasing the safety for future passengers

“We’re delighted to be working with the consortium on the Sim4CAMSens project. Autonomous vehicles will require reliable sensors that can be used in adverse weather.

“By creating more accurate tests during its development phase, autonomous vehicle sensors will be able to react and respond to the environment around them. We look forward to working on this project to aid the development of future autonomous vehicle sensors.”

Joe Gannicliffe, Head of Photonics at CSA Catapult

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