
Strength in Places Fund

Date: 11.01.2020

Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £30,200,000

Funder: UKRI

Start date: 11/01/2020

Partners: Cardiff University; Cardiff Capital Region; Compound Semiconductor Centre; IQE; KLA; Microchip; Microlink Devices; Rockley; Swansea University; Welsh Government; CSA Catapult

The Strength in Places Fund (SIPF) project, led by Cardiff University, is building on regional strengths in advanced semiconductor materials and manufacturing.

It will help South Wales’ compound semiconductor industry to create 3,000 jobs by 2025, increase its direct contribution to the local economy to £265m per year, and improve skills among local people.

It will also give the UK a global advantage in technology for sectors such as 5G communications and autonomous vehicles.

Key collaborative research and development (CRD) programmes include:

  • Next generation optical communications and sensing
  • Large Scale GaAs-based wafer manufacturing
  • Novel and efficient CS Wafer Fabrication Tools
  • Advanced processes for 5G and EAV systems.


In addition to the four CRD programmes, activities also include the formation of a central coordination activity to represent and promote the cluster and to develop regional educational and skills capabilities for the sector.

The project will also encompass the setting up of a dedicated ‘home’ for the CSconnected cluster that will include meeting & conference facilities, an outreach hub and a visitor centre.

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