
UK Telecoms Innovation Network (UKTIN)

Energy efficient networks

Project summary

Project details

Total project cost: £10,000,000

Funder: Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

Start date: 26/07/2022

Partners: Digital Catapult; Cambridge Wireless; University of Bristol; WM5G; Satellite Applications Catapult; CSA Catapult

UKTIN (UK Telecoms Innovation Network) is the innovation network for the UK telecoms sector. It brings together industry, academia, and government stakeholders. It catalyses telecoms R&D talent in investment, cooperation and commercialisation.

The network will forge connections between the many businesses and organisations involved in telecoms research, development and innovation in the UK. Currently, these players are dispersed and fragmented, making it difficult to turn invention into innovation and profitable commercial outcomes.

UKTIN provides an impartial, accessible and inclusive forum for the UK telecoms innovation ecosystem. It convenes a range of bodies and organisations into one network where they can interact in a neutral environment and on a level playing field.

Here, they can discover ideas and concepts with innovation potential from throughout the country, understand where to accelerate innovation, the skills needed to capitalise on new opportunities, and funding routes available, and match resources (such as investment and talent) to organisations and projects.

As the telecoms market embraces new approaches such as Open RAN and digital technologies such as AI and the latest network technologies. There are huge opportunities for the UK to tap into its strengths in research, academia, and technology skills.

Semiconductors play a critical role in telecom infrastructure, from capturing images and data to encoding, encryption, transmission, reception, decryption and presenting data to the user. As we explore new ways of working and visualising the world, semiconductors will play an increasingly important role in telecom networks. They will ensure that data is sent and received efficiently and securely.


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