
Working with Cardiff University on research that accelerates commercialisation

Date: 26.04.2024

Topics: AI, Net Zero, Power Electronics

ANN case study

The opportunity

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents the opportunity to create a new and more efficient way of modelling and designing power electronic converters. In a joint study undertaken with Cardiff University, the team explored a new design method using a type of AI known as artificial neural networks (ANN), which uses algorithms and computing systems that mimic the interconnected neural networks of the human brain.

The ANN was trained on an existing dataset of over 2,000 converter designs, so the team were able to select the most appropriate design for their desired efficiency and power density. The team selected four major components for the ANN-based design, including power gallium nitride (GaN) field-effect transistors (FETs), inductors, capacitors, and heat sinks.

Our role

Working strategically with academic partners like Cardiff University, CSA Catapult can bridge the gap between research and application development.

The Catapult validated the design approach through experimental tests on a GaNbased single-phase inverter that was created using the specified design.

AI ANN case study



Increased efficiency

The new method has reduced design times for technology by up to 78%
compared to traditional approaches and was used to create a device with an efficiency of over 98%



The team’s findings have been published in the IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics



In January 2023, we signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Cardiff University, laying the foundations for a long-term partnership to promote research in areas of common strength and to create a lasting public impact in the UK and beyond


MoU sets framework

The MoU sets out a framework to develop joint research projects and funding bids, exchange staff, share facilities and equipment, develop teaching initiatives, and create a pipeline of skills and talent

Working with Cardiff University on research that accelerates commercialisation
Working with Cardiff University on research that accelerates commercialisation

“Automated power electronics design optimisation enables the full exploitation of wide bandgap power semiconductor advantages when compared to their silicon counterparts. We are excited to be working with Cardiff University in this innovative area.”

Dr Ingo Lüdtke, Co-author of the study, Head of Power Electronics CSA Catapult, Honorary Visiting Professor Cardiff University

“Accurate and fast transient modelling/simulation approaches are essential to efficiently and to rapidly optimise the performance of wide bandgap power electronics systems. We are delighted to work together with CSA Catapult to address this gap.”

Dr Wenlong Ming, Co-author of the study, Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University Senior Research Fellow CSA Catapult

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