
CSA Catapult joins consortium to conduct semiconductor feasibility study

Date: 23.05.2023

Topics: Supply Chains

CSA Catapult joins consortium to conduct semiconductor feasibility study

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult is playing a central role in a study to determine a possible government-supported initiative to boost innovation across the UK’s semiconductor sector. 

As part of the UK’s government’s National Semiconductor Strategy, the Department of Science and Technology (DSIT) has commissioned a consortium of organisations to undertake a feasibility study to understand the technical and economic feasibility of developing specific capabilities to support commercial R&D, to grow the UK semiconductor sector and contribute to supply chain resilience. 

The study is led by IfM Engage and supported by a strong industrial and academic consortium that includes CSA Catapult, Techworks NMI, Silicon Catalyst, Photonics Leadership Group, Cambridge Econometrics, Future Horizons, Semiwise, Imperial College and the University of Leeds. 

The study will present proposals and inform the business case for a possible government-supported initiative to boost innovation in areas of the semiconductor sector where the UK has, or could gain, strategic advantage.  

This will aim to position the UK as an important player in the global semiconductor industry and help promote growth and resilience across UK industry. 

As part of the study, a survey is being undertaken to evaluate the UK’s semiconductor capability in terms of economic value, strategic importance and national security. 

HighTHall case study


The survey will also assess where the specific focus of investment should be, based on user needs, and the potential impact of government infrastructure investment on the above metrics.  

The survey will evaluate four key capabilities in which the UK current has a leading edge: 

  • Silicon prototyping and low volume piloting 
  • Advanced packaging 
  • Compound semiconductor open-access foundry 
  • Access to electronic design automation (EDA) tools and design IP. 

Dr Andy Sellars, Strategic Development Director at CSA Catapult, said: “We are delighted to join this consortium and look forward to working with our partners on scoping out the long-term infrastructure requirements for the UK’s semiconductor industry. 

“In order to do this, we need as much data and evidence as possible to begin mapping out the needs of the industry and would therefore encourage relevant organisations to complete the survey.” 

The survey can be completed at this link 

It’s a comprehensive survey designed to capture the wide range of user needs across the four capabilities described above. Organisations are encouraged to answer questions of relevance to their industry, skipping non-relevant questions. It should take no longer than 30-45 minutes to complete.  

The survey closes on 31 May 2023.