

Creating a flourishing national and international semiconductor ecosystem should be a priority for the UK
18/09/2024 Insights Telecoms Power electronics ClustersSupply Chains
Creating a flourishing national and international semiconductor ecosystem should be a priority for the UK

The UK needs to pull together and play to its strengths of design, IP, […]

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Building on a semiconductor success story in the South West
06/08/2024 Insights Net ZeroTelecoms Clusters
Building on a semiconductor success story in the South West

The success of semiconductor companies in the region isn’t coincidental. It can be traced […]

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CSA Catapult welcomes announcement of UK quantum hubs
01/08/2024 Insights Telecoms Clusters
CSA Catapult welcomes announcement of UK quantum hubs

Commenting on the announcement, Dr Nick Singh, CTO at CSA Catapult said: “It is […]

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