

Learners in Wales receive bursary to support early careers in electronics
06/09/2024 News Net Zero Power electronics Skills
Learners in Wales receive bursary to support early careers in electronics

A total of 24 Year 13 students from across Wales have been awarded bursaries […]

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UKESF Scholars celebrate end of placement year at CSA Catapult
16/08/2024 News Skills
UKESF Scholars celebrate end of placement year at CSA Catapult

CSA Catapult’s interns join each of its technical teams and work on real-world projects, […]

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Over 200 school students from Wales attend workshops to learn more about semiconductors and electronics
14/08/2024 News Skills
Over 200 school students from Wales attend workshops to learn more about semiconductors and electronics

Organised by Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult and the UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF), […]

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New funding to encourage more learners in Wales into electronics
11/12/2023 News Skills
New funding to encourage more learners in Wales into electronics

"Spark their imagination; power their future’—a project funded by Innovate UK and run by […]

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North East event showcases opportunities and careers in engineering
16/11/2023 News Skills
North East event showcases opportunities and careers in engineering

The Engineering the Future: Compound Semiconductors event, hosted in Durham, showcased pathways into electronics […]

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CSA Catapult welcomes the Catapult Network to South Wales to champion future skills
28/03/2023 News Skills
CSA Catapult welcomes the Catapult Network to South Wales to champion future skills

Compound Semiconductor Applications (CSA) Catapult host the Catapult Network and partners at the ‘Shaping […]

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CSA Catapult sparks the imaginations of future engineers at Cardiff Science Festival 2023
15/03/2023 News Skills
CSA Catapult sparks the imaginations of future engineers at Cardiff Science Festival 2023

CSA Catapult’s team of interns spent two successful days at Cardiff Science Festival inspiring […]

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Tackling the Gender Imbalance: The UKESF is Getting More Girls into Electronics
11/02/2022 News Skills
Tackling the Gender Imbalance: The UKESF is Getting More Girls into Electronics

Today marks ‘International Day of Women and Girls in Science’, declared by the UN […]

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CS Connected and Techniquest Create Interactive Partnership
08/12/2020 News Skills
CS Connected and Techniquest Create Interactive Partnership

CSconnected, the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster, has partnered with Techniquest, the Science Centre […]

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